Maggie's Foundation: Pet Training
Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner
"KPA CTPs have demonstrated a high level of technical knowledge and hands-on skill both training canines and teaching people!"
Low Stress Handling® Certified- Silver Level
"The purpose of this Certification in Low Stress Handling is to provide the teaching content needed to understand and improve the individual or hospital’s ability to create a low stress environment and handle animals in a less stressful manner."
Fear Free Certified- Elite Level
"The Fear Free Certification Program is an educational online course designed to help veterinary professionals eliminate fear, anxiety, and stress and create a more rewarding veterinary experience for all involved."
Members of the Shock Free Coalition
"The key purpose of the Shock-Free Coalition is to build a strong and broad movement committed to eliminating shock devices from the supply and demand chain. This goal will be reached when shock tools and equipment are universally unavailable and not permitted for the training, management and care of pets."
Service Dog Coach
"Cooperative Paws Service Dog Coach™ is a service dog trainer certificate program developed by Veronica Sanchez M.Ed. CABC, CPDT-KA, an expert in service dog training. The program is for experienced professional pet dog trainers who would like to learn how to train service dogs. Successful graduates earn the respected SDC™ certification."
Certified Trick Dog Instructor
"Do More With Your Dog!®, as the official sanctioning and organizing body for the sport of Dog Tricks, has established guidelines for instructor certification in order to ensure that standards of excellence are met when teaching the sport. Certified Trick Dog Instructors are certified to teach Trick Dog classes, and may use the acronym CTDI after their name to indicate they have demonstrated the knowledge and hands-on training techniques applicable to this sport."

About Us
We Make Sit Happen
We would love to lead you to your "perfect pet". Every animal is different; together we can work with each other and provide the guidance your dog or cat needs. Whether you’re thinking about getting an animal, have a new pet, or need to brush up on the basics, we are here to help.
“Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened”
Anatole France

Mission and Core Values
Mission Statement
Maggie's Foundation will increase the Human-Animal Bond through creating a positive change in both the human owner and pets' lives.
Core Values
Positive Reinforcement
We use positive reinforcement for both humans and animals in order to increase the relationship with training and the pet.
We accept all people. It doesn't matter your disability, race, political party, religion, or more. You are welcome at MFPT.
Excellent Service
We pride ourselves on working with scientific skill to be the best version of ourselves to hand over to our clients.
We work with the client, their families, their pets, their veterinarian, and sometimes the human care team in order to have a cohesive training experience.